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Description of the Project

Project logo designed by Julie Ježková, ZŠ Londýnská

The project "Play, be free!" focuses on teenagers and exploring differences and similarities of the way they live through five main topics closely related to the life of youth in the countries of European Union.




Pupils involved in the project will have an opportunity to compare and contrast their culture and the way they spend their free time as well as the way they are educated. Various methods, strategies and activities will serve to find out more about their own country, share the ideas with their peers and get inspired by other possibilities.


An important aspects of the project are developing ICT skills and a language of communication of the project. Pupils will develop English as a second language by working on the tasks with the peers from partner countries. Communicating in written form will be carried out via emails, social applications, eTwinning, writing a blog, but mostly by hosting their quests in their own country, being a visitor in the project countries and cooperating on various tasks at the project meetings. Thus, they will have a unique opportunity to use English in real life situations. ICT skills will be practiced while creating the outcomes, working on the task and in communication with pupils from project schools during the time between the meetings.


Regarding the need of the project to be carried out transnationally, the dynamic movement of people throughout the world, which we experience nowadays, requires our students to create an open mindset towards different cultures, societies, groups. It is very important to implant acceptance, tolerance, appreciation towards the other nationalities in our pupils' education. This project gives a great opportunity our students to connect with peers from four other countries. They will be motivated to discover different lifestyles, to make friendships and to accept other opinions. Their appreciation towards diversity will be built. This project will be very beneficial for our students in developing their English further. Working solely in English will boost their confidence. Our pupils will improve their communication and social skills. Personally for the teachers, it is an opportunity to practice English and to meet with other colleagues from other European countries and share knowledge about pedagogy. 

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